To: All Certifying Fliers coming to LDRS 37
From: TCC Prefect Bruce Rohn and President James Dougherty
We are pleased to host you at our first ever LDRS event! We hope you enjoy your flight experiences during your time with us. To assist us in helping you complete your certification success, we have a few suggestions to pass onto you.
Documentation- All supporting documentation that you bring with you to the Launch will really help us. When you became Tripoli members, unless it was very recently, you should have received your Tripoli Membership Handbook. Inside the Handbook at the front will be your Tripoli Rocketry Association Member Certification Form. This will have your TRA Number, your name and address and it will have spaces for the Prefect to fill out when you successfully certify for all Levels 1 to 3, including when you pass your Level 2 written exam. This shows your past cert activity. Your current Tripoli Membership Card will have your current Certification Status, even if it is Level “0”. If you became a Tripoli Member recently, then a copy of an email showing membership payment to Tripoli will suffice (even is you have no Membership Number assigned). Please also bring any proof that you already passed your Level 2 exam, so we won’t have to make you take it again at our Launch before we let you attempt your Level 2 cert flight.
Certification Requirements – You will be expected to know what the certification requirements are when attending our Launches. You can find these requirements at the Tripoli rocketry Association Website, and our Tripoli Central California Website. In addition, our president James Dougherty will conduct Fliers Meetings at the beginning of the Launch. These meetings are mandatory. At these meetings we will review Safety Code Rules to follow and particular things to keep in mind regarding the property on which we Launch.
You can always come to the Prefect/Certification Tent to ask questions and get information about Certification.
A word about Recovery Systems used – Whatever approved recovery system you use for your certification flight, our policy is that the entire recovery system must work as designed. This means if electronics are to be used to deploy the parachute, then it must work as designed. If you are using Dual Deployment as the recovery system for you Certification Flight, then both the Drogue and the Main must deploy for successful certification. This is a safety issue! Rockets descending fast because the drogue failed to open, even if the main deployed, can be a danger to persons or property when striking the ground. Cert flights where one component of the recovery system failed to work, even if the rocket is recovered intact, will not be certified.
Presentation of your rocket– We want to inspect your rocket for your certification flight, both before your flight to ensure it can fly safely, and after the flight to ensure it did not sustain excessive damage that would make it unsafe to fly again. We make every attempt to watch the rocket all during its flight, in the case it cannot be recovered from loss, to ensure it stayed together and intact during its flight.
Thank you all for your great support and see you at LDRS!
Bruce Brohn, Prefect
James Dougherty, President